What is Berkeley Formula Racing?
Berkeley Formula Racing is UC Berkeley's Formula SAE team. We design, fabricate, and compete with small formula-style racecars against other colleges from around the world. The FSAE rules test our engineering skills and creativity. During competitions, vehicles are judged in four categories: static inspection, engineering design, solo performance trials, and high-performance track endurance. We compete in the Formula SAE Lincoln competition each June in Lincoln, NE.
Senior Engine Team Member
Developed the new KTM 350 engine and maintained the previous Swissauto 250 engine.
Designed parts and created engineering drawings for the car and engine dynamometer.
Designed the intake and exhaust packages.
Repaired and rebuilt team vehicles for testing.
Organized junior team members and packed tools and parts for off-site test days.
Competition Driver
Drove the team car during test days and competitions, providing vehicle feedback to aid in development.
Manufactured aluminum and steel parts using lathes and mills based on engineering drawings.